I’m terrified of catching covid19. I am also terrified I could have womb cancer right now. I’m due to have a biopsy for abnormal bleeding. I have very heavy periods and because of PCOS they want me to get the lining of my womb checked out. I’ve been told my weight has caused this but I’ve tried everything to lose weight, you name a diet, I’ve been on it and I was never told about the connection.
Weighing it all up, I’ve postponed the biopsy because I am so frightened because of all the talk about obesity and saying if I am obese that I will die from covid, that’s how serious this is. It’s like which is worse? Covid or cancer? How can this be happening? I have had nowhere to turn for help.
It has been very difficult to cope during covid but I just feel that people think I don’t care about my health, that we are either scolded like children or forgotten. Why if you have PCOS are we treated like this? I want people to know what it has been like, so they can maybe understand what its like. Thank you for listening to my story, only Cysters understand.
Anonymous Cyster.
(c) PCOS Vitality
If you have also been affected by recent changes, do get in touch, we will be happy to signpost you. If you need to talk please join our Facebook support group. Not medical advice. Always get any abnormal bleeding checked out.