Women with PCOS have higher depression scores and a higher risk of depression independent of BMI [1] Stress may play a role in the association between PCOS, depression and anxiety [2] It is therefore important to take time to de-stress. Sometimes the simplest of things can help. For example, incorporating some “me-time” into your daily or weekly routine can allow you to put yourself back at the top of your priority list, even if it is for just a short time. We asked some Cysters with PCOS if they could have a “me-time” box what would they put in it theirs. Below you can read their fabulous suggestions!
Nail polish
Xbox controller
Cheese Savoir
Space Masks (self-heating jasmine scented eyemasks)
Inspirational Quotes
Journal and Pen
Essential Oils for yoga/pilates
Your favourite GF, dairy-free, sugar-free biscuit/bar
Face masks
Magnesium bath salts
Essential Oils
Scented lip balm
Nice shampoo
Intensive conditioner hair treatment
Coconut oil
Scented candle
Luxury body lotion or moisturiser
Your favourite herbal tea
Fancy notebook and pen to jot down ideas
Adult colouring books and pencils
Healing crystals
Hot water bottle
Cosy fluffy socks
We hope these suggestions will provide you with some ideas to boost your mood and go a small way to reduce stress.
Useful contacts;
[1] A. Dokras, Mood and anxiety disorders in women with PCOS, Steroids. 77 (2012) 338–341. doi:10.1016/J.STEROIDS.2011.12.008.
[2] 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0033291718002076 Damone, A., Joham, A., Loxton, D., Earnest, A., Teede, H., & Moran, L. (n.d.). Depression, anxiety and perceived stress in women with and without PCOS: A community-based study. Psychological Medicine, No Title, (n.d.).