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  • Writer's picturePCOS Vitality (c)

Bereavement leave for miscarriage amendment...

New Zealand has approved paid bereavement leave after miscarriage. The bill makes clear that the unplanned end of a pregnancy by miscarriage or stillbirth constitutes leave for the mother and her partner or spouse and should be for up to 3 days.

Miscarriage affects approximately 10-15% of women. Yet, despite being common it is still a taboo linked to stigma and shame and unfortunately many women still do not receive appropriate and respectful care when it occurs which makes it all the more important that it is talked about.

This bill will hopefully in part lead to more open conversations around miscarriage & still birth both in the workplace & society. It will also bring about fairness in worker's rights as some employers have been more inclined to ask staff to use sick leave in the past for miscarriage. There is no doubt miscarriage and stillbirth has a profound effect on people and this is one small step in the right direction.

You can read details of the bill here

If you need help or support you can contact the Miscarriage Association

(c) PCOS Vitality 2021

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